Assessing the Risk of Infection of COVID-19 via Respiration

I recently read an eye opening post by Professor Erin Bromage. His article grabbed the attention of so many people because it was written in terms we can all understand. His great work inspired me to emphasize some of the highlights in a visually engaging way!

I specifically referenced a case study by the CDC that analyzes an outbreak associated with air conditioning in a restaurant in Guangzhou, China on January 24, 2020. This part of Bromage’s post particularly stuck out to me because of how excited people have been about businesses reopening, especially restaurants. I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t go out and support your favorite businesses, just assess your risk and be safe about it. Maybe stick to outdoor tables for now while dining. If you’re working indoors, try to take frequent breaks outside. And don’t get hung up on thinking 6 feet of social distancing protects you in all situations. This is intended for brief encounters and outdoor exposures.

Speaking of the outdoors, the risk of catching COVID-19 outdoors is fairly small. One study of 1,245 coronavirus cases across China found that only two came from outdoors transmission. So relax, the best you can, and go take a stroll in the park with your dog!

Just a reminder that I am not a scientist and not qualified in any way to answer any questions.

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